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Exercise ladder-سلم التمارين

Specifications Large Size: 8 m small size: 4 m

DOOR BAR-عقلة باب للتمارين

Specifications small size: 63-96CM large size: 80-120CM

Hexagon Shaped Dumbbells-دمبل سداسي

Hexagon Shaped Dumbbells Are Coated With High Quality Rubber And Suitable For Commercial And Home Use Rubber Coated Body To Prevent Floor Damage Comfortable Cast Iron Chrome Handle Inside

Training Mask-ماسك التدريب

Liveup Training Mask increase endurance, simulates High altitude training, and it's ideal for all serious athletes, pros and amateurs.

GRIP BALL-كرة لتمرين الاعصاب

Liveup Grip Ball is the best therapy for your hand. It increases flexibility, relieves joint pain, reduces stress and eases muscle tension